Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Commonly Forgotten College Items

Hey everyone! So it's August! I know, crazy right? So for most students, we go back to school in a couple short weeks. (Can you believe that just a couple of months ago we were seniors in high school?) Between now and then you're probably packing for college like crazy. I for one, have boxes upon boxes in my room waiting to be filled. My room basically looks like a tornado went through it. So with my hair dryer in one box and my curling iron in another, you could say that my stuff is everywhere. I have my list of items I need to bring to school but am constantly worried that I'll forget something extremely important. So for the sake of our sanity and peace of mind, I have compiled a list of items commonly forgotten when packing for school.

1. Umbrella
Unless your college campus hardly ever has rain, you should remember to pack an umbrella. Nothing is worse than walking to class in your cute outfit and a downpour hits you. Not only will you be soaked when you enter the lecture hall but everything you're carrying with you-notes, essays and your laptop-will be ruined. So just make sure you have one incase you're ever caught in the rain.

2. Extra Batteries
You probably didn't think of this one did you? Batteries are a staple in college. They power little gadgets you have like your calculator and flashlights. Make sure you have a spare pack of AA and AAA batteries just incase because no one wants their calculator dying during math final.

3. A Safe
This one might be a bit odd but just hear me out. If you have a roommate you totally trust then you might want to disregard this item. But if you have a roommate you don't completely trust or feel like your stuff wouldn't be safe when you're out of your room, consider getting one. Mini safes are sold with a knob combination or with a key. Just evaluate your situation and then decide if you want to get one

4. Earplugs and Sleeping Mask
Okay, so it's 11:00 at night and you have a 9am class in the morning and you want to sleep. However, your roommate is up writing a paper that's due tomorrow. The overhead light is so bright and the constant typing is getting on your nerves. Well, this is the perfect time to get your earplugs and sleeping mask out. You can block out the noise and the light will be dimmer or completely gone. You will thank yourself in the morning when you're on your way to class not looking and feeling like a zombie. Just be aware that if you do this make sure your alarm is a little louder because you might not hear the sound go off if you have earplugs in.

5. Water Filter
Weird. Yes, I know. But sometimes college and dorm room water isn't the cleanest it can be. Instead of spending money on bottled water just get a water filter. This can be a big pitcher with a water filter or a water bottle with a filter in it. Personally, I recommend the BRITA water filters since I use them at home. It's good because your getting the best water you can and that will only help you and make you fee better.

6. Quarters
Do you plan on doing your laundry at school? I certainly hope so. In order to do that, you're going to need money for the washers and dryers. Most washers and dryers I've heard of seem to only take quarters in order to use them. Unless you're school is nice and includes washer and dryer credits with your housing plan like me, make sure you have money to do your laundry. You don't want to be in that situation where you're going through your laundry basket looking for something to wear then putting too much body spray on trying mask the smell of week old laundry.

7. Formal Clothes
These seem pretty obvious but seem to be forgotten a lot. It's mainly because when people pack for college they think of causal clothes for class and party clothes for going out at night. However, sometimes professors make you do presentations and have you dress up for them. This is when you need not panic about running to the store to get formal clothes because you'll already have them since your read this blog! You don't need to bring anything fancy just a nice business dress, or blouse and black pencil skirt work great and make sure you bring some black heels because you will feel empowered.

8. Important Documents
Important documents often are forgotten because people don't really think about them. The main documents I would bring are your passport, medical records, prescriptions, birth certificate and social security number. If you're not comfortable bringing your only copy, then make a copy and keep the real one at home. That way you have a copy, but if you ever need the real one it's just a phone call away. But if you do plan on bringing the real thing don't lose it because nothing good can come from losing your social security number.

9. First Aid Kit
This is just something good to have no matter where you are. In case you cut yourself in your dorm room or something like that, you don't have to go down to your floor mate's room to ask for a band-aid. You can just take out your kit and patch yourself up! Now, if you have a serious injury then go to your school's clinic. A first aid kit is NOT a replacement for actual medical attention.

10. Gym Clothes and a Bathing Suit
I'm betting that these items were the farthest thing from your mind in the way of clothes. Gym clothes are important because if you join a sport's team or just want to workout on campus, you'll need these. You'll be happy that you have breathable material to run around and sweat in. As for the bathing suit, if you're going to school near the beach then yes, bring a bathing suit! Most schools also have a pool that you can use to just swim whenever you like. I recommend bringing both a cute bathing suit when hanging out with friends as well as one that you can wear if you want to swim for exercise. Also be aware that if you want to play a water sport, your school might only allow one piece swim suits ladies.

I hope that now you'll remember to pack all of these items if you need them. Remember that this is not a definite list and that there are probably a lot of other items you might need to remember to bring. If it comes down to it, write a list of everything you need to remember to bring. That way when you're packing you'll remember everything!

All the best! -Becca

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