Sunday, September 7, 2014

Beat the Freshman 15

Hey guys! Long time no see! First, I want to apologize for not posting in a while. I moved into my dorm two weeks ago and it has literally been a whirlwind from hopping right into classes to adjusting to a new lifestyle. Because I'm still trying to figure everything out, I won't be posting as frequently. I promise I will continue writing but right now, when I post is up in the air. I apologize for any inconvenience but please understand that I am a college freshman and so much is happening in my life right now. You can always tweet me or send me an email with any questions and I will be happy to reply quickly! But now, onto what you want to read!

You've heard of the infamous 'Freshman Fifteen' right? If not, it's basically the myth that freshman in college gain fifteen pounds over the course of their freshman year. There are a number of factors that go into gaining fifteen pounds and please know that this does not happen to everyone. If you're worried about the 'Freshman Fifteen' keep reading and I'll help you combat those pesky pounds.

1. Go to the Gym
My school has three fitness centers on campus which is pretty awesome. They're totally free to all students who want to use them. Now I know that going to the gym can be intimidating. There are upperclassmen and really buff guys who you don't even want to be in the same room with. But it's okay. I promise that they are not there to judge what you're doing. You're exercising to become fit and healthy and they're there for the same thing. My recommendation is to go with a buddy! The gym becomes a lot less daunting when someone is there with you. Not only that but you two can motivate each other to go exercise!

2. Youtube
Youtube is great for more than just funny videos from all around the world. If you look for it, there's a whole Youtube community dedicated to fitness and staying healthy!

My personal favorite is Blogilates. Blogilates is run by Cassey Ho who is the most upbeat instructor I've ever seen. She has fun videos that range from the length of a popular song on the radio to a 45 minute squat challenge! They may not seem like that the videos are doing anything but trust me, you'll feel it the next day. Not only is Cassey on Youtube, but she has a blog where she creates a free workout regimen with her videos you can access on Youtube. So in other words, it's totally free! All you have to do is sign up for her free newsletter and you're set to go!

Blogilates Youtube:

3. No nightly food runs
Do you have an all night or 24/7 dining hall on campus? Well I have both and the 24/7 dining hall just happens to be less than a five minute walk from my dorm. Now I will admit that I have gone on midnight food runs however I don't eat everything in the dining hall. It is okay to go on a late night food run every now and then, but that doesn't mean you should make a habit of it. Nightly food runs just add extra calories that you probably don't need unless you haven't eaten all day. The few times I did go on a midnight food run I wasn't even hungry. The people I was hanging out with all wanted to go so I went too. When I was there I just had a glass of soymilk (sounds gross but the Silk Almond vanilla is actually very good). So if you go with your friends you can still be social but you don't have to devour those fries.

4. Eat healthily in the dining hall
Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Ever heard this saying before? Well when I first heard it I didn't like it at all. I wanted to believe that running on the treadmill for two straight hours would get rid of all that baby fat but I slowly saw the truth in it. I could run for two hours and burn something along the lines of 1,000+ calories. Awesome right? Well, yes to an extent. What good would burning those calories do for me if I just ate them all in nachos or something else? Not much good. What you eat on the inside reflects on the outside. I noticed that once I stopped eating fast food all the time, I did see a change in energy and my body. A good rule to go by is 80% clean food/20% 'unclean' food.

5. Don't eat everything in sight
Yes, even though the dining halls are 'all you can eat' doesn't mean you should. There is a saying that I heard that I like much better and it is 'all you care to eat.' Basically, it's saying just because you have an unlimited meal plan doesn't mean you should eat until you're stuffed and feel terrible. Only go to the dining hall when you're really hungry. If you have friends to like to make midnight food runs like I do, then just say you don't want to go. They'll understand and leave while you can do something that doesn't involve eating more than you probably should.

6. Ditch the chips and soda!
I will admit, this one has been a bit difficult for me. I LOVE potato chips and enjoy soda just as much. But the sodium in the chips makes you bloated and makes your tummy look bigger and the carbonated drinks just aren't good for you body either. It's best to just keep your carbonated drinks and chips to a minimum. They should be a nice treat or reward rather your comfort food when you get stressed out. So if you must have chips and soda in your room, keep small individual bags and just a few bottles of soda. That way you won't be tempted to constantly snack. If you want to go the extra mile, keep only healthy food items in your room. You won't eat any bad food because it won't be there and you probably don't want to make the trek out to your nearest grocery store on foot.

7. Join a Sport
If you go to a major university, your school probably offers sports of some kind. My university offers Division I sports, club sports and intramural sports. If you don't know what these categories are, allow me to explain. Division sports are sports that you see on TV and such, like college football. My school is a Division I school so this usually means all of our Division I or DI athletes are recruited by coaches. Club sports are basically a step down from Division sports. If you play club sports that basically means that you play other schools in your sport but don't have to devote the time if you were playing in your school's division sport. Intramural means that the sports are played among students within your school. You are playing against fellow students who are usually playing for exercise or for fun. Either way intramurals are fun! I personally play intramural soccer and Quidditch. Yes, Quidditch is a real sport. I highly recommend joining a team because it's not only good for you health, but you make a ton of friends and overall, it's just fun!

Well guys, I hope these tips helped you! Like I said before, I probably won't be posting as frequently but you can always contact me with any questions on Twitter or my email which can be found on my 'About Me' page! Have fun in college!

All the best! -Becca

Follow Me on Twitter!: @Modern_College_